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What is Bubblin?

Bubblin is a long-form storytelling substrate for writers and book-makers around the world.

It is a cloud aware social reader that is also offline first (meaning, each book is a static PWA). Bubblin has been design with a tablet-first approach, and yields the most ideal reading experience on 9" tablets with a modern web browser.

Bubblin comes with a REST api and a pre-integrated client to form a strong developer like book-making toolchain called the Bookiza Abelone.

How is it different from Kindle Direct Publishing or ?

One major difference between Kindle . A native app often feels more natural to use on the phone because its overall layout, design language, and often performance belongs to a phone. Whereas mobile web design is more likely going to be a squished version of the desktop layout snucked away under a hamburger menu. Read more about this here.
