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Quality standards

  1. Basic rules

    Do not publish a work that is incomplete or simply a trialing effort of the software on Bubblin.

    1. A book must have at least four pages (2 leafs) and an even booklength i.e. a 2N number of total pages including front and a back. Learn why?
    2. If you're writing a blogpost then Bubblin is not the right place to publish it. Even if it is a long blogpost. Bubblin is meant for long-form with prose that is appropriate for books.
    3. Works longer than 2000 pages should be split into multiple volumes and the title must reflect the volume number on the url schema of the book. See example.
    4. All subresources of your the book like images, fonts, libraries or video/audio embeds must be served over a secure (https) url. Your account will be blocked automatically if our parsers detect content served over insecure urls.
    5. All third-party embeds (e.g. via Youtube or Vimeo) must be loaded lazily.
    6. All internal links within a book should use Bubblin's internal Hyperlinking API. Avoid reloading the entire book when it is easier and possible to turn the page locally on clientside.
  2. Support depth

    Superbooks are expected to scale responsively on every device with a modern web browser. See list of [devices] that you'd need to support and test your work accordingly.

    1. iPad 2.0/iPad Mini (iOS) and up: Safari, Chrome, Maxthon. Optionally: Clear Browser and Tor as well.
    2. iPhone 4 (iOS) and up + Safari & Chrome.
    3. Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 + Silk Browser
    4. MacOS: Safari, Firefox & Chrome. Optionally: Yandex, Tor and Opera.
    5. Windows 10: Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox and Yandex. Optionally: Tor and Opera.
    6. Linux (Any distro): Firefox, Chromium and Chrome. Optionally: Tor and Opera.
    7. Google Nexus/Android 5+ devices: Browser Chrome, Firefox. Optional: Tor and Opera.

    It is recommended to use Layout Templates for responsive layout and formatting if you're not a CSS aficionado.

  3. Cover page

    All published Superbooks have a landing page i.e. Cover page. The Cover page must have the following attributes:

    1. “Title”: Book must have a title or a name not exceeding 140 characters.
    2. “Punchline”: Book must have a short (< 300 characters) summary.
    3. “Cover”: Book must have a cover image and a banner. This is a mandatory requirement.
    4. “Profile": Author of the book must have a profile pic and a short one-line bio on their station. A short bio is a great way to connect with your potential readers.
    5. “Pages”: Book must have at least four (4) pages (two leafs) and must have an even number of pages.
    6. “Table of Contents": A book with more than 50 pages must have a Table of Contents.
    7. “Synopsis”: While not mandatory it is recommended to put a concise synopsis or what the book is about on your Cover page.
  4. Forbidden Content

    Do not publish porn or mature content on Bubblin please. There's always a place with audience of right age for pornography or content meant for matured audiences. This site just isn't one of them. As with porn, any content of the following kind is also unacceptable:

    1. Bigoted
    2. Sexist
    3. Racist
    4. Rude & Attacking
    5. Intimidating
    6. Harassing
    7. Snooping or Stalking
    8. Disruptive
    9. Offensive
    10. Spam

Superbooks not meeting the criteria and quality standards as described above will be unpublished with a mail notification to the author/creator linking to list displayed on this page. Unpublished works will continue to sit on author's drafts folder (in private) and can be republished after necessary fixes to resolve the issue.