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Format Support

Resilient, robust, and intrinsic.

An empty or blank Superbook (the container) is supported on all platforms—meaning, all modern browsers, all viewports, and all operating systems. See the [full list] of devices and upwards that are covered under the latest build. An empty Superbook container follows intrinsic design principles, meaning it is not only responsive by design but also adaptive in nature.

Bubblin is backed up by a robust and scalable infrastructure to match the needs of readers around the world. It is offline-first and doesn't require a perpetual connection to the Internet to read and share great works with your friends.

browser support

Limiting factors

It is only the content that you put within the Superbook container that could limit the outreach of your book. Not any other thing. For example, a webgl experiment inside a book may not be supported on some of the older or low-powered devices. If your book contains webgl, then it may not work properly on those devices.

Always make sure that your HTML, CSS & JS is valid and thoroughly tested. Use intrinsic typography to scale text and images else you'll risk supporting even fewer devices than you possibly could. Or none at all. Learn more about strong layouts and how to use them.

Refer the Official Handbook to get the latest tips and tricks on "book making" for web.